Hey all,
I did an update to WordPress a few days ago and didn’t pay it any specific mind, but it turns out it fubar’d something internally and made the CSS of the Minimal Theme not work too well.
After about 15 minutes of tinkering, I found the culprit. To fix it (until they fix it officially, as I’m sure they’ll be working on it soon):
- Click Appearance
- Click Editor
- Click Stylesheet (style.css)
- Find the line:
{float: left;
padding: 27px;
line-height: 1.6em;
text-align: left;}
and change it to:
{float: left;
padding: 27px;
width: 531px; /* To fix display bug with text running into the sidebar */
line-height: 1.6em;
text-align: left;}
- Click update file.
- Done!
Pictures of before and after:
