Adventures at the Rutgers FabLab

Today I had the pleasure of going back to visit Rutgers University, this time to the recently-opened FabLab at the Mabel Smith Douglass Library on the Cook/Douglass Campus of Rutgers University.  With the help of Ms. Stacey Carton, the Manager of the Fordham Commons, I got to print out two ships from the online role-playing game EVE Online: A Raven-Class Battleship and a Phoenix-Class Dreadnought for practically pennies.

Here are the videos and pictures I took of the process:

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Here are the pictures of the final product:

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For things like this, printing the raft may have been unnecessary.  However, we were experimenting with it and it was a learning experience for us both.  I had never used a 3d printer before, and I don’t think she had printed out something like the Raven with the super fine detailing for the small wings.

Furthermore, the hardest part of the entire process is printing with the supports, and the supports are VERY necessary for the raven and probably even for the Phoenix (because of the aft section).

All in all this process has only left me with one desire: to purchase a Makerbot or some other 3d printer.  Guess I better start saving eh?

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