Comcast is turning your Xfinity router into a public Wi-Fi hotspot [Updated] – Dwight Silverman’s TechBlog

Comcast is turning your Xfinity router into a public Wi-Fi hotspot [Updated] – Dwight Silverman’s TechBlog.

I’m not saying this is illegal, but what I am saying is how the hell can they justify it being opt-out instead of opt-in?

You’re charging me a metric buttload of money for your service (which is, with all regards, pretty craptacular) and then using my electricity to provide free, public access wireless networks without my permission?

Using potentially my bandwidth (the copper can only provide so much, with TV and my internet access and now someone else’s internet access) and not giving us anything in return?

Pretty ballsy Comcast.  Pretty ballsy.

It's a bold move!

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