So a STEM teacher at the Middle School got a CO2 Racecar Kit (something like this). In passing she suggested that I make a race car to race with. Well, challenge: accepted.
I started thinking about what designs I could find and use. I didn’t want a car. Cars are boring (ish) compared to things like planes and… SPACESHIPS. Yes. Spaceships.
So as you may know, I bought into Star Citizen a long time ago. A LONG time ago. Like, 2012. 11/15/2012 exactly. I bought the Bounty Hunter package which earned me a Origin Jumpworks 300i. It’s a cool little ship. Decent guns, decent engines, decent shields, all around a moderately good ship. It’s fun to fly in game in the test universe but blows up quick because I suck at space combat sometimes. Here’s some example gameplay from me though:
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So the long and short of it is that I decided to use our Makerbot to 3D Print a copy of the 300i. It’s got a single engine bay in the back which I can ream out with a drill bit so that I can stick a CO2 cartridge in it.
Now I have a Spaceship on Wheels that I can race with. Can’t wait to try it. 🙂
So now we just wait to see what will happen when we go to race them sometime in 2017. The teacher also got a cool radar gun to see how fast they go. The track is SUPER short though so I don’t know if it’ll work for that. Maybe I’ll bring in my Go Pro to record footage of it. I’ll post a video of it once we actually do the race. 🙂
I’m really excited for that day haha.
-M, out.