On: PHP as a Weird Thing

So, today at work I was working on a mileage tracking webform (more on that another day).  I took a brief break to clear my head, and stumbled across a very interesting tweet.

I, of course, did not bookmark it at the time because I thought it was a trivial question and a trivial answer.

It is this bit of PHP Code:

$x = 'A common mistake that people make when trying to
      design something completely foolproof is to
      underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.';

if( $x['foo']['bar']){
 print 'pass';
 print 'no pass';

So, on your inspection, what would you think?

A) Print ‘pass’
B) Print ‘no pass’
C) PHP Exception
D) Not Enough To Tell
E) I Don’t Know

Go ahead.  Figure it out.  I’ll wait.

Think you got it?

If you answered C: You’re wrong.  If you answered D: You might be right. If you answered B: You’re wrong.  If you answered E: You may have been right too.

The correct answer, as of the version of PHP I use, is A.  Executing this code, surprisingly, generated “pass”

Color me straight confused.

So I tried to step through the code and understand it.


What would you expect that to return?  Because it returns ‘A’.


Ok, fine, $x[‘foo’] is ‘A’.  ‘A'[‘bar’] can’t really be true right?


It returns, weirdly enough, ‘A’ again.

Even more frustrating is this:

    print 'pass'
    print 'no pass'

…Which is what it evaluates out to, by the way, returns ‘pass’

That means ‘A’ evaluates to ‘true’ in PHP.

Even more interestingly,

    print 'pass'
    print 'no pass'

Which returns ‘no pass’.  Which is expected, because === means STRICT equivalence, I think.  Meaning the two things need to be of the same type.

Ok, I can accept that ‘A’ evaluates to try. Ostensibly.  I mean, it hurts.  But I can get it.

What I DON’T get is $x[‘foo’] is ‘A’ and ‘A'[‘bar’] is A also, meaning $x[‘foo’][‘bar’] is A.

Nick and I worked through this and we came to a realization.

It must be, somehow, converting ‘foo’ and ‘bar’ to 0.  Because $x[0][0] is definitely ‘A’.

So, what could it be?

Integer.  Specifically, intval.

intval(‘a string that isn’t an integer’) returns 0.

intval(‘foo’)is 0.

intval(‘bar’) is 0.

$x[intval(‘foo’)][intval(‘bar’)] is $x[0][0] which is ‘A’.

Is that really it?

Could it be?

I don’t know.

But that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

Arrays in PHP are weird though.

Or rather, typecasting a string to an array is weird.

If you use a real array, it’s VERY different.

$y = array(
if( $y['foo']['bar']){
    print 'pass';
    print 'no pass';

Result? ‘no pass’

Since $y[‘foo’] returns null.  That means $y[‘foo’][‘bar’] is null.

And null is most certainly not true.

Go figure.

If you know what is actually going on with the $x[‘foo’][‘bar’] stuff (or know the tweet I’m talking about >_>) please reply so we can talk it out!

-M, out.

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